Meditation That Matters, Wisdom That Endures

'Protecting the Mind' Shaila Catherine

Date: April 4th 2025
Time: 7 PM to 8.30 PM (GMT)

For online participation only. Registration required.

Join renowned meditation teacher Shaila Catherine as she explores mindfulness as a powerful protector of the mind. Learn practical ways to guard against reactivity, distraction, and stress in daily life.

Ven Thapowanaye Rathana Thero

Dates: May 2025

3rd to 5th May- Bank Holiday Meditation Program
11th May- Vesak Day Program

Program details and registration coming soon…

Ven Uda Eriyagama Dhammajeewa Maha Thera

Date: June 29th 2025
Time: 9 AM to 6 PM

Day Vipassanā Retreat. Registration required.

Join us in welcoming a highly respected meditation master to Colchester to lead a special day retreat at the Dhamma Centre.

Zoom Dhamma Sessions

  • Vipassanā Meditation

    Every Sunday
    2 PM - 4 PM (UK TIME)

    Open to everyone, no registration required.

    Join us for a guided meditation session led by Bhante Pannavamsa, followed by a Q&A session to address your meditation practice questions.

    Click HERE to join ZOOM Meeting

  • Duka Matika

    Every other Monday (Biweekly)
    7 PM to 8.30 PM (UK Time)

    Ideal for those with a basic understanding of Abhidhamma, this session explores the

    Ideal for those with a basic understanding of Abhidhamma, this session explores the categorization of mind and body realities and their manifestation in daily life.

    It offers valuable insights for experienced Vipassanā meditators.

    Click HERE to join Zoom Meeting

  • Discourses of the Buddha

    Every other Monday (Biweekly)
    7 PM - 8.30 PM (UK TIME)

    An excellent introduction for beginners, this session focuses on Sutta studies. Engage in thought-provoking discussions on the Buddha’s teachings and their practical applications.

    Click HERE to join ZOOM Meeting

  • Learn The Abhidhamma

    Every Thursday
    7 PM - 8.30 PM (UK TIME)

    This course delves into the Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. It offers precise and articulate teachings to help meditators enhance their understanding of the Dhamma and deepen their Vipassanā practice.

    Click HERE to join ZOOM Meeting

  • Dhammapada

    Every Tuesday
    7 PM to 8.30 PM (UK Time)

    Conducted in Sinhalese Language

    Explore the timeless wisdom of the Dhammapada, one of the most revered collections of the Buddha’s teachings. Each session focuses on selected verses, unpacking their deeper meanings and practical applications in daily life.

    Guided by Bhante Maithrirathana, this class is perfect for both beginners and seasoned practitioners seeking inspiration from these profound teachings.

  • Wanchaka Dhamma

    Every other Saturday
    Commencing 11th January 2025

    3.30 PM to 5 PM (UK time)

    Inspired by Most Venerable Renukane Chandawimala Maha Thera’s book on Masquerading factors and Citta-upakklesha.

    Conducted by Bhante Dhammadeva

The Community.

In the journey of Buddhist practice, particularly in Vipassana meditation, the Buddha emphasised the profound importance of having Dhamma friends - individuals who share the path and wisdom of Buddhism. By participating in our classes, you're not just learning; you're becoming part of a community. If you find value and connection in our teachings, consider becoming a regular member.

Simply ask to join the WhatsApp group at any class.

Visit our YouTube page for recorded sessions of our classes and meditation sessions.